Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Teacup Straight to My Heart

It's been about three weeks now since cutting coffee out of my diet and while there are some days where I feel like I'm going to topple right over without my daily dose... most days have come surprisingly easy since introducing the art of tea into my life.

I have to admit I was never much of a tea person before. I was more than content with my Venti White Chocolate Mocha from Starbuck's and cutting that out in exchange for a plain herbal tea thanks!


My head started clearing from being jacked up on sugar and high doses of caffeine all the time and cutting it out allowed me to slow down my life and thoughts. With coffee everything was always go, go, go and desperately searching for the next caffeine high seemed to be my number one priority. But, when it comes to tea-time everything suddenly slows down and it gives you exactly that... more time which you never even knew existed. And we all could definitely use some more of that!

I have also come to find that I was wrong about tea being boring, it's anything but! And there are the sweetest little teacup and saucer sets that are the latest item on my wishlist. Most of them don't come cheap though, if they're good quality, but what harm can something so simply irresistable be?

The teacup and saucer in the picture is called the Morning Meadow Cup and Saucer and comes in a set of four which can be purchased at for $57.99. They have the teapot and everything too!


  1. have you ever considered decaf coffee? i'm also a coffee addict, but i've switched to decaf just to avoid the dreadful caffeine headache when i miss out on a cup.

  2. Lol.. to be quite honest I almost forgot there was such a thing! I guess thats how bad my addiction to coffee was! I can't even believe I forgot until I read your comment haha. The wonders of blogging are starting to show.

    Does decaf taste the same though?

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